100 Let It Go Quotes To Help You Live Free

Let It Go Quotes

The words ‘Let It Go’ can be so powerful and inspiring. We’ve all been at a low point in our lives when we feel that no matter what we do, everything is just out of reach. But at the same time, these words can also mean taking responsibility for our lives and moving on, no matter how much we don’t feel like it. That’s why ‘Let It Go’ quotes are so timelessly inspiring; they show us that sometimes all we can really do, is move on.

These quotes are our way of taking a moment to reconnect with the most truer, rawer version of ourselves and accept that whatever it is that we’re dealing with, it isn’t the end. Whether it’s letting go of a toxic relationship, forgiving ourselves for a past mistake or just simply our fears and doubts, ‘Let it Go’ quotes remind us that no matter how difficult it is, it’s possible to make a fresh start. 

Let It Go Quotes

For those times when you’re feeling uncertain, ambiguous or just plain overwhelmed, these ‘Let It Go’ quotes will help you pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start anew. Take a look at some inspiring quotes and remind yourself that while it’s OK to feel whatever you’re feeling, it’s also important to keep going as we may never know where the journey will take us.

It's time to take inspiration from these inspirational quotes and let go of the past. In the sea of life drift, accept what cannot be changed and give yourself the courage to move ahead. Let go of the fear that's holding you back and make space for the new opportunities that await with these twenty powerful ‘Let It Go’ quotes written with the intention to bring about the best of you.

100 Let It Go Quotes

Letting go is not easy, but it is an essential aspect of life. Sometimes we hold onto things, people, or situations that no longer serve us, and we end up feeling stuck and unhappy. However, when we let go, we create space for new opportunities, growth, and happiness. Here are 100 let it go quotes that will inspire you to release what no longer serves you and move forward.

1. “Let it go. Letting it go is the most freeing experience you can have.” 
2. “Let go of the thoughts that hurt you and make room for the ones that help you.” 
3. “Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness. If, in our heart, we still cling to anything – anger, anxiety, or possessions – we cannot be free.” 
4. “Let go and see what happens.” 
5. “The easiest way to get what you want is to let go of what you don’t want.” 
6. “When you let go, you create space for better things to enter your life.” 
7. “When we release the fearful past and forgive everyone, we will experience total love and oneness with all.” 
8. “Letting go doesn’t mean that you don’t care about someone anymore. It’s just realizing that the only person you really have control over is yourself.” 
9. “Don’t cling to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it.” 
10. “Let go of the past and move on.” 
11. “Leave behind all thoughts of regret, sadness, and anger. Let each step take you closer to where you need to be.” 
12. “Let go of your attachment to being right and suddenly your mind is more open.” 
13. “Let go of the mental blocks that prevent you from envisioning a better future.” 
14. “Letting go means to come to the realization that some people are a part of your history, but not a part of your destiny.” 
15. “Peace of mind comes when you let go of the need to know what’s next.” 
16. “The greatest step towards a life of simplicity is to learn to let go.” 
17. “Let go and embrace change.” 
18. “Letting go is not the end of the world; it is the beginning of a new life.” 
19. “Let go of all the pain, the anger, and the sadness. Learn to forgive and to accept. Then you can start again.”  
20. “Letting go of your fear means embracing life’s mysteries and trusting that the Universe has something wonderful in store for you.” 
21. “Let go of control and embrace the opportunity to trust and follow your intuition.” 
22. “Let go of the need to control. Letting go of attachment leads to inner peace.” 
23. “Release the desire to judge and instead open your mind and hear what others have to say.” 
24. “Let go of your worries; they’re weighing you down.” 
25. “Letting go of things that no longer serve you is a sign of maturity; It's time to move on.” 
26. “Let go of all the negativity and start living a life full of gratitude and adventure.” 
27. “Sometimes the hardest part of letting go is understanding that you can’t change the past.” 
28. “Letting go of grudges, resentment, and hurt will make room for abundance of love and peace in your life.” 
29. “Stop fighting yourself. Let go of the need to control and just accept your thoughts and feelings.” 
30. “Letting go means freeing yourself from the past and creating a life you love.” 
31. “The greatest step toward a life of simplicity is to learn to let go.” 
32. “Let go of the things that no longer serve you and make way for the things that will bring you joy and fulfillment.” 
33. “Let go of perfectionism. You are allowed to make small mistakes, it is part of learning and growing.” 
34. “Let go of worrying about the small things and focus on the bigger picture.” 
35. “Forget what hurt you in the past, but never forget what it taught you.” 
36. “Let go of what’s holding you back and start believing in yourself.” 
37. “Let go of the hurtful words and hurtful actions. Let go of the past and start living in the present.” 
38. “Let go of the need to control and embrace the joy of simply being.” 
39. “Let go of the illusion of control and embrace trust. Letting go will bring you a sense of freedom and peace.” 
40. “Let go and be free. Free from fear, free from worry and free from doubt.” 
41. “Let go of the need to be perfect; You will find peace when you stop striving for perfection and accept yourself as you are.” 
42. “Let go of expectations and accept that the reality is sometimes even better than the dream.” 
43. “Let go of the need to be understood and instead focus on understanding.” 
44. “Let go of what others think of you and start believing in yourself.” 
45. “Let go of trying to please everyone else and start living life with intention, purpose, and joy.” 
46. “Letting go of the need to be right all the time will bring you one step closer to living in peace and harmony.” 
47. “Let go of comparing yourself to others and embrace the unique and special person that you are.” 
48. “Let go of the fear—because fear will only hinder you from becoming the person you’re meant to be.” 
49. “Let go of the guilt and learn to forgive yourself.” 
50. “Let go of everything that doesn’t help you evolve.” 
51. “Letting go doesn’t mean giving up it means accepting that there are things that cannot be.” 
52. “Let go of the anger and the bitterness. Choose to be kind and gentle to yourself.” 
53. “Let go of the need to be right and accept the fact that sometimes you will be wrong.” 
54. “Let go of all your fears and allow yourself to be free.” 
55. “Let go of the need to control and learn to trust the process of life.” 
56. “Let go of the past and learn to live in the present.” 
57. “Let go of all your doubts and you will be able to see clearly.”  
58. “Let go of the need to judge and instead open your heart and mind to new possibilities.” 
59. “Let go of your attachment to certain outcomes, and be open to the beauty of uncertainty.” 
60. “Let go of all expectations and just let things unfold.” 
61. “Let go of all the should’s and must’s—because you are enough, just as you are.” 
62. “Let go of what used to be and let yourself embrace what’s next.” 
63. “Let go of the need to understand and enjoy the magic of life.” 
64. “Let go of the need to always be right; You will be surprised at how much more connected and comfortable life will be when you accept that sometimes you’re wrong.” 
65. “Let go of fear—because fear is the only thing preventing you from moving forward.” 
66. “Let go of anger and replace it with compassion and understanding.” 
67. “Let go of worrying about the smallest details and focus on the big picture.” 
68. “Let go of the need to be perfect and accept the beauty of being imperfect.” 
69. “Let go of the need to compare yourself to others and recognize the unique gifts that make you special.” 
70. “Let go of the past and instead focus on creating the future you want.” 
71. “Let go of regret and start building bridges that will lead you to a brighter future.” 
72. “Let go of the need to be in control and instead, enjoy the journey of life.” 
73. “Let go of the doubts and fears—because you are capable of achieving anything you want.” 
74. “Let go of the need for approval—you don’t need anyone else’s approval to be happy.” 
75. “Let go of all the shoulda, woulda, and coulda’s—because it’s never too late to start living the life you want.” 
76. “Let go of the need to be right and start wanting to do what is right.” 
77. “Let go of all the clutter that’s weighing you down and start creating more space for the things that truly matter.” 
78. “Let go of the idea that everything needs to happen according to plan and enjoy the beauty of life’s surprises.” 
79. “Let go of the struggle and learn to enjoy the journey.” 
80. “Let go of the rigid rules and believe that everything is possible.” 
81. “Let go of the need to be “right” and instead, focus on taking responsibility for your actions.” 
82. “Let go of being perfect and instead focus on being the best version of yourself.” 
83. “Let go of the past and create the future you desire.” 
84. “Let go of the need to blame and start taking responsibility for your actions.” 
85. “Let go of the need to compare and recognize the power of being unique.” 
86. “Let go of the facade and start being authentic.” 
87. “Let go of the need to be liked and instead, strive to be respected.” 
88. “Let go of being judgemental and instead, focus on finding the good in others.” 
89. “Let go of your fear of failure and start taking action.” 
90. “Let go of self-doubt and start believing in yourself.” 
91. “Let go of the pain of the past and learn to live in the moment.” 
92. “Let go of all your worries and allow yourself to be in harmony with the present.” 
93. “Let go of being hard on yourself and instead, focus on being kind and gentle.” 
94. “Let go of the need to be right and start living your truth.” 
95. “Let go of what other people think of you and start following your heart.” 
96. “Let go of your comfort zone and start doing what makes you truly happy.” 
97. “Let go of the need to know and instead, focus on being curious.” 
98. “Let go of holding on and start letting go.” 
99. “Let go of the past and start living for the future.” 
100. “Let go of all the negativity and focus on the good, the positive, and the beautiful.” 

Short Quotes about Letting Go of Someone you Love

Love is a powerful emotion — one that can bring people together but also rip them apart. A necessary part of any relationship is knowing when to let go. Letting go of someone you love can be one of the most difficult things to do in life.

It can be a confusing and heart-wrenching situation, whether you’re the person being let go or the one who’s releasing someone. It’s essential to be honest and open with each other in order to successfully navigate this process and move on. Here are some quotes about letting go of someone you love that might help provide guidance and hope.

1. “When we open ourselves up to the process of letting go, we surrender ourselves to the reality that life moves on and things change”

2. “I think it’s essential to learn how to let go, or risk being held back from taking chances and following dreams” 

3. “Sometimes the hardest part isn’t letting go but rather learning to start again” - Nicole Sobon

4. “The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward”- Steve Maraboli

5. “When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be” - Lao Tzu

6. “When I let go of what I have, I receive what I need”

7. “Letting go doesn’t mean that you don’t care about someone anymore. It’s just realizing that the only person you really have control over is yourself” - Deborah Reber

8. “We must be willing to let go of the life we’ve planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us” - Joseph Campbell

9. “Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness. If, in our heart, we still cling to anything—anger, anxiety, or possessions—we cannot be free” - Thupten Glympo

10. “To let go is to release the images and emotions, the grudges and fears, the clingings and disappointments of the past that bind our spirit” - Jack Kornfield

Letting Go Quotes for Him

Letting go quotes for him are a great way to express your feelings for a special man in your life. Whether it’s a friend, a family member or your romantic partner, these quotes can help provide some inspiration, wisdom and strength during difficult times of transition. Here are some of our favorite letting go quotes for him to provide a bit of perspective and comfort. 

1. “It’s time to let go, so that you can allow yourself to become more than what you have been.”

2. “If letting go is the hardest part, then that’s all you have to do to be free.”

3. “Sometimes, if you love someone enough, you have to let go of them in order to show them how much they matter.”

4. “The only way to move forward is to let go of the past.”

5. “Letting go is not about forgetting; it’s about forgiving.”

6. “The only true path to peace is through learning to let go.”

7. “Sometimes the best way to hold onto something is by letting it go.”

8. “Letting go is the only way to start new beginnings.”

9. “Letting go of the past allows you to see the present for what it truly is.”

10. “Letting go is not a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of strength.”

If you Love Something Let It Go

The quote "If you love something, let it go" is a common saying that has been attributed to Jess Lair, an educator who published a book titled "I Ain't Much Baby - But I'm All I've Got" in 1969. The quote means that if you truly love someone or something, you should give them the freedom to choose for themselves. If they come back to you, then it was meant to be and the love is mutual. However, if they do not come back, then it was never meant to be and it is time to move on.

Letting go of someone or something you love can be difficult but necessary for personal growth and happiness. It may be time to let go of someone when the relationship is no longer healthy or fulfilling for both parties involved. It is important to communicate your perspective with them gently and explain that while you truly love them, you do not feel that the two of you can give each other what you both need in a long-term relationship.

In conclusion, the quote "If you love something, let it go" means giving someone or something the freedom to choose for themselves. If they come back, then it was meant to be. If they do not come back, then it was never meant to be. Letting go of someone or something can be difficult but necessary for personal growth and happiness.

Let It Go Quotes -Conclusion

Life can be full of difficult tests, it can be hard to stay centered in such moments. Letting go and thinking of what we're thankful for can help us focus on the present and prepare for the adversities of life. Understanding the power of “let it go quotes” is invaluable.

It gives us the capacity to see that we should level our expectations and be thankful for what is. This will offer us the motivation to be able to handle the obstacles that life throws at us. In essence, the “let it go quotes” gives us a glimpse of the courage to continue and be thankful for the now.

They provide us with the wisdom and resourcefulness to carry on and survive life's battles. Ultimately, they are a reminder of the struggles, along with the beauty and importance of appreciating the here and now.

These 100 "let it go" quotes provide inspiration and guidance for anyone on the journey of letting go.
